People are of two types: They are either your brothers in faith or your brothers in humanity.
Cousin and son-in-law of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), the last prophet of Islam. He ruled as the fourth caliph from 656 to 661.
Not to have a thing is less humiliating than to beg it
A man who has no confidence in himself can accomplish nothing.
To live without commotion provides consolation for an unsuccessful life.
Cowardice is the one thing that cannot be repaired by any means.
The thoughts of women are constant. From this point of view, the clever person does not shun the company of women.
Those who make fun of you, those who try to get rid of you, they are the people whose applause you most often seek to obtain.
Close your eyes. fall in love. stay there
Never was anything great achieved without danger
A bit of science distances one from God, but much science nears one to Him
Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again
Do not criticize too much. Too much criticism leads to hate and a bad behavior.
There are no limits to what you can achieve on your journey through life, except in your mind
Muslim Caliph, Muslim Scholar
Muslim Caliph, Muslim Scholar
Muslim Caliph, Muslim Scholar
Muslim Scholar