I honor religion except when it gets into shedding blood
American actor and voice actor. Torn was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his p...
A heart that does not believe is like a cage that has no bird inside it.
Hanbali Sunni Muslim preacher, orator, ascetic, mystic, sayyid, faqih, and theologian who was known for bein...
The greatest truth is honesty and the greatest falsehood is dishonesty
A companion and through his daughter Aisha, a father-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad (PBUM), as well...
Your souls are precious, and can only be equal to the price of paradise. Therefore, sell them only at that price.
Cousin and son-in-law of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), the last prophet of Islam. He ruled as the fourth caliph fr...
To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible
Italian Dominican friar, Philosopher, Catholic priest, and Doctor of the Church. An immensely influential ph...
All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree
German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity one of the two pillars of modern ph...
Islam is itself destiny and will not suffer destiny
Sir Muhammad Allama Iqbal, was a poet, philosopher and politician, as well as an academic, barrister and sch...
When the world pushes you to your knees, you’re in the perfect position to pray
Cousin and son-in-law of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), the last prophet of Islam. He ruled as the fourth caliph fr...
Fear Allah and you will have no cause to fear anyone else.
Cousin and son-in-law of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), the last prophet of Islam. He ruled as the fourth caliph fr...
O man you are busy working for the world, and the world is busy trying to turn you out
A companion and through his daughter Aisha, a father-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad (PBUM), as well...