The sea will be the sea whatever the drop’s philosophy
Persian poet, theoretician of Sufism, and hagiographer from Nishapur who had an immense and lasting influence on Persian poetry and Sufism.
Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence
Never whisper in company
There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live
To define is to limit
Achieve your goals in silence
Theologian, Writer
Historian, Priest, Theologian
Actor, Playwright, Poet
Poet, Writer
Philosopher, Priest, Theologian
Poet, Writer
Playwright, Poet, Writer
Philosopher, Poet, Theologian
Artist, Playwright, Poet
Playwright, Poet, Singer
Poet, Writer
Philosopher, Poet, Scientist
Historian, Philosopher, Poet
Historian, Philosopher, Poet
Lawyer, Philosopher, Poet, Politician