The function of a citizen and a soldier are inseparable
Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Italy from his golpe in 1922 to 1943, and Duce of Fascism from 1919 to his execution in 1945 during the Italian civil war.
Liberty is a duty, not a right
It is the State which educates its citizens in civic virtue, gives them a consciousness of their mission and welds them into unity
Socialism is a fraud, a comedy, a phantom, a blackmail
We have buried the putrid corpse of liberty
A nation of spaghetti eaters cannot restore Roman Civilization!
Every anarchist is a baffled dictator
It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure
Are you not fond of life? If not, you must not waste your time, because life is a garment made from the cloth of time.
One who talks too much makes the most mistakes
Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it
You can never turn your back on the ocean
Man is primarily governed by passion and instinct
Military Leader, Politician