Never think you’re better than anyone else, but don’t let anyone treat you like you’re worse than they are
American actor and voice actor. Torn was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his part as Marsh Turner in Cross Creek.
Backbiting is the attempt of one who is incapable of doing better himself
Good actions are a guard against the blows of adversity
Extravagance is also when a person eats whatever he wishes
The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living differs from the dead
While eating lawful food is a radiant light, eating unlawful food is a suffocating darkness. Eating unlawful food kills the heart, whereas the lawful morsel brings the heart to life.
Beauty when unadorned is adorned the most
Actor, Business Magnate, Producer
Actor, Playwright, Poet
Actor, Comedian
Actor, Comedian, Writer