It is the lone worker who makes the first advance in a subject; the details may be worked out by a team
Scottish biologist, physician, microbiologist, and pharmacologist. His best-known discoveries are the enzyme lysozyme in 1923 and the world's first antibiotic substance benzylpenicillin (Penicillin G) from the mould Penicillium notatum in 1928.
Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning
Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new
There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship
The heart was made to be broken
Death and life have their determined appointments; riches and honors depend upon heaven
Inventor, Scientist
Author, Inventor, Philosopher, Scientist
Author, Scientist
Astronomer, Philosopher, Scientist
Philosopher, Scientist
Inventor, Scientist
Philosopher, Scientist
Inventor, Scientist
Artist, Historian, Scientist
Philosopher, Scientist
Philosopher, Poet, Scientist
Inventor, Scientist, Writer
Inventor, Scientist
Scientist, Writer
Inventor, Scientist, Writer
Inventor, Politician, Scientist, Writer
Philosopher, Scientist