The wing of the Falcon brings to the king, the wing if the crow brings him to the cemetery
Sir Muhammad Allama Iqbal, was a poet, philosopher and politician, as well as an academic, barrister and sch...
To seek death is death’s only cure.
Persian poet, theoretician of Sufism, and hagiographer from Nishapur who had an immense and lasting influenc...
I lay it down as a fact that if all men knew what others say of them, there would not be four friends in the world
French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and Catholic theologian.
The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends
German philosopher, cultural critic, composer, poet, philologist, and Latin and Greek scholar whose work has...
The death of dogma is the birth of morality
German philosopher in the Age of Enlightenment. In his doctrine of transcendental idealism, he argued that s...
All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone
French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and Catholic theologian.
I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done
Shakyamuni philosopher, teacher and religious leader on whose teachings Buddhism was founded.
Courtesy costs nothing, but buys everything
Cousin and son-in-law of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), the last prophet of Islam. He ruled as the fourth caliph fr...
Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers
French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher famous for his wit, his criticism of Christianity, es...
The enemy is the necessary condition for practicing patience
The 14th Dalai Lama is the current Dalai Lama. Dalai Lamas are important monks of the Gelug school the newes...