Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid
German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity one of the two pillars of modern ph...
We have buried the putrid corpse of liberty
Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Italy from his golpe in 1922 to 1943, and Duce of Fascism from 1919 to his ...
Be curious, not judgmental
American poet, essayist, and journalist. A humanist, he was a part of the transition between transcendentali...
Liberty is a duty, not a right
Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Italy from his golpe in 1922 to 1943, and Duce of Fascism from 1919 to his ...
The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man
English naturalist, geologist and biologist, best known for his contributions to the science of evolution.