Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth
American essayist, poet, philosopher, abolitionist, naturalist, tax resister, development critic, surveyor, yogi, and historian.
There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness
You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken
There is nothing more ancient than the truth
Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained
Poet, Theologian
Author, Inventor, Philosopher, Scientist
Historian, Priest, Theologian
Actor, Playwright, Poet
Poet, Writer
Historian, Philosopher, Writer
Philosopher, Priest, Theologian
Poet, Writer
Playwright, Poet, Writer
Astronomer, Philosopher, Scientist
Philosopher, Poet, Theologian
Philosopher, Scientist
Philosopher, Writer
Artist, Playwright, Poet
Comedian, Historian, Philosopher
Philosopher, Scientist
Lawyer, Philosopher
Playwright, Poet, Singer
Emperor, Philosopher
Artist, Historian, Scientist
Philosopher, Writer
Poet, Writer
Composer, Philosopher, Writer
Philosopher, Scientist
Philosopher, Poet, Scientist
Philosopher, Writer
Historian, Philosopher, Poet
Historian, Philosopher
Philosopher, Politician
Philosopher, Religious Leader
Philosopher, Scientist
Lawyer, Philosopher, Poet, Politician