Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward. They may be beaten, but they may start a winning game
German writer and statesman. His works include: four novels; epic and lyric poetry; prose and verse dramas; memoirs; an autobiography; literary and aesthetic criticism; and treatises on botany, anatomy, and colour.
Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate.
You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him
A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live
If i love you, what business is it of yours
Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy
By means of knowledge we raise ourselves above everybody else
As a writer, you should not judge, you should understand
For it would be better to die once and for all than to suffer pain for all one's life
Nothing is so good for an ignorant man as silence; and if he was sensible of this he would not be ignorant
Write your Sad times in Sand, Write your Good times in Stone
Poet, Theologian
Inventor, Scientist
Author, Inventor, Philosopher, Scientist
Actor, Playwright, Poet
Poet, Writer
Historian, Philosopher, Writer
Philosopher, Priest, Theologian
Poet, Writer
Author, Scientist
Playwright, Poet, Writer
Astronomer, Philosopher, Scientist
Philosopher, Poet, Theologian
Philosopher, Scientist
Philosopher, Writer
Artist, Playwright, Poet
Inventor, Scientist
Comedian, Historian, Philosopher
Philosopher, Scientist
Lawyer, Philosopher
Playwright, Poet, Singer
Emperor, Philosopher
Inventor, Scientist
Artist, Historian, Scientist
Philosopher, Writer
Poet, Writer
Composer, Philosopher, Writer
Philosopher, Scientist
Philosopher, Writer
Inventor, Scientist, Writer
Historian, Philosopher, Poet
Historian, Philosopher, Poet
Inventor, Scientist
Historian, Philosopher
Philosopher, Politician
Scientist, Writer
Philosopher, Religious Leader
Inventor, Scientist, Writer
Inventor, Politician, Scientist, Writer
Philosopher, Scientist
Lawyer, Philosopher, Poet, Politician