Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage
Ancient Chinese philosopher and writer. He is the reputed author of the Tao Te Ching, the founder of philosophical Taoism.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
That which joins minds together is telling the truth. Lying serves no purpose other than seperation.
Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose
God is not a dead equation!
Believe in your heart that you’re meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic and miracles
A lovely face is the solace of wounded hearts and the key of locked-up gates
Politician, Writer
Theologian, Writer
Author, Inventor, Philosopher, Scientist
Playwright, Writer
Poet, Writer
Historian, Philosopher, Writer
Philosopher, Priest, Theologian
Poet, Writer
Playwright, Poet, Writer
Astronomer, Philosopher, Scientist
Philosopher, Poet, Theologian
Philosopher, Scientist
Business Magnate, Philanthropist, Writer
Philosopher, Writer
Comedian, Historian, Philosopher
Comedian, Writer
Philosopher, Scientist
Lawyer, Philosopher
Emperor, Philosopher
Poet, Writer
Composer, Philosopher, Writer
Philosopher, Scientist
Philosopher, Poet, Scientist
Philosopher, Writer
Inventor, Scientist, Writer
Historian, Philosopher, Poet
Historian, Philosopher, Poet
Actor, Comedian, Writer
Sportsman, Writer
Historian, Philosopher
Philosopher, Politician
Scientist, Writer
Philosopher, Religious Leader
Inventor, Scientist, Writer
Inventor, Politician, Scientist, Writer
Philosopher, Scientist
Lawyer, Philosopher, Poet, Politician