As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others
American business magnate, investor, author, philanthropist, and humanitarian. He is best known as the principal founder of Microsoft Corporation.
I believe that if you show people the problems and you show Them The Solutions They Will Be Moved To Act
I believe innovation is the most powerful force for change in the world
It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure
Our success has really been based on partnerships from the very beginning
If u are born poor then it's not your mistake but if u die poor then it is your mistake
If your business is not on the Internet, then your business will be out of business
Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains
The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions
O man you are busy working for the world, and the world is busy trying to turn you out
You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over
Drinking is at the root of all evil
I will speak daggers to her, but use none
Actor, Business Magnate, Producer
Business Magnate
Business Magnate, Philanthropist, Writer