The friendship that can cease has never been real
Jerome was a Christian priest, confessor, theologian, and historian, commonly known as Saint Jerome. He was born at Stridon, a village near Emona on the border of Dalmatia and Pannonia
Good better best Never let it rest. Til your Good is Better and your Better is Best
Never look a gift horse in the mouth
Begin now to be what you will be hereafter
Beauty when unadorned is adorned the most
The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart
All knowledge degenerates into probability
Violence can only breed more violence and suffering. Our struggle must remain non-violent and free of hatred
The knowledge of all things is possible
What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, For all that we love deeply becomes a part of us
Both optimists and pessimists contribute to society. The optimist invents the aeroplane, the pessimist the parachute
Common sense is not so common
Poet, Theologian
Theologian, Writer
Historian, Philosopher, Writer
Philosopher, Priest, Theologian
Philosopher, Poet, Theologian
Comedian, Historian, Philosopher
Artist, Historian, Scientist
Historian, Philosopher, Poet
Historian, Philosopher, Poet
Historian, Philosopher